Tag: GnuPG

Password Safe and GnuPG on Ubuntu 13.10

This was actually done on Linux Mint Petra but in this case its entirely Ubuntu compatible.  Yes, I know 13.10 is about to expire, don’t worry, I’ll fix this for 14.4 as soon as Linux Mint XFCE Qiana comes out and I put it on my desktop.

I am tired of resetting passwords, so the other day I set up Password Safe on my laptop.  It wasn’t hard but did take a little time so here is how to do it.  I took the extra few steps of verifying Password Safe’s signature because I take my passwords seriously.   As such, this guide steps through basics of GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG).

Password safe

To verify the signature we need GnuPG.

  1. install gnupg

    $ sudo apt-get install gnupg

  2. import Rony Shapiro’s Password Safe Signing key (RSA)
    i. go to http://pwsafe.org/contact.shtml click the link for “this public key”.ii. Save the page it gives you as pwsafe.key and strip out the HTML tags.iii. import the key

    $ gpg –import pwsafe.key

  3. Verify the Password Safe .deb package

    $ gpg –verify passwordsafe-ubuntu-0.93BETA.amd64.deb.sig
    gpg: Signature made Fri 07 Feb 2014 01:07:50 PM EST using RSA key ID 5CCF8BB3
    gpg: Good signature from “Rony Shapiro (PasswordSafe Signing Key) <[email protected]>”
    gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
    gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
    Primary key fingerprint: A703 C132 8EAB C7B2 0175 3BA3 9194 6451 5CCF 8BB3

    Notice the fingerprint matches the one listed on http://pwsafe.org/contact.shtml — ok good!

  4. go ahead and install

    $ sudo dpkg -i passwordsafe-ubuntu-0.93BETA.amd64.deb

  5. it will complain about dependencies for libwxgtk2.8-0, libxerces-c3.1, and libykpers-1-1. So, install your dependencies

    $ sudo apt-get -f isntall

Done! To verify your .deb has been installed:

$ dpkg –get-selections | grep passwordsafe
passwordsafe install

You can launch the password safe gui either by

$ pwsafe &

or by finding ‘Password Safe’ it in your launcher menu.

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